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Let's join hands and Say no to rape... Produced by ABUBAKAR BASHIR MAISHADDA Directed by ALI NUHU In Filmhouse cinema kano From 11th August Inn shaa Allah Starring Ali... Read more

Starring: Abba El-mustapha, Alhassan Kwalle, Ali Nuhu, Baballe Hayatu, Bashir Nayaya, Hadiza Gabon, Hajara Usman, Hajjo Adam, Hasana Muhammad, Https, Lawan Ahmad, Lilin Baba, Maishadda Global, Mika'il Gidigo, Please Subscribe, Resources Youtube, Umar Gombe, Youtube Channel...

Let's join hands and Say no to rape... Produced by ABUBAKAR BASHIR MAISHADDA Directed by ALI NUHU In Filmhouse cinema kano From 11th August Inn shaa Allah Starring Ali Nuhu, Abba Elmustapha, Hadiza Gabon, Hasana Muhammad, Baballe Hayatu, UMAR Gombe, Lawan Ahmad, Alhassan kwalle, Hajara Usman, Lilin Baba, Hajjo Adam, Bashir Nayaya, Mika'il Gidigo and host of others Please SUBSCRIBE to Maishadda Global Resources YouTube channel: #Maishadda #MaishaddaGlobalResources #kannywood

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